
don't drink & write

I figured a glass of wine on a school night was excusable. Perhaps after the third, I should've laid off. But the Chili Peppers were rocking, and that clearance priced bottle of 2002 Camelot Shiraz (not syrah) was tasting fine. Besides, tomorrow's a non-teaching day: faculty diversity training so MnSCU thinks we're open-minded. (We are, actually, but evidently you need to have guest speakers to make it official.)

So, yeah. My friends/roommates/therapists Kerry Jo and Joanna and I erupted into a spontaneous, let-your-freak-flag-fly dance party in the kitchen about fifteen minutes ago when Gnarles Barkley's "Crazy" came on the radio. We cranked it, and I did the lawnmower.

I got tickets to see Mason in St. Cloud..."what do you got if you ain't got love?". Otherwise my day consisted of reading Newsweek (good issue this month) and biking over to Caribou to correct tests. I finished my Fulbright application- we will see if Spain is in the stars for Septemnber 2007.

Nate: "Good night, Camelot."
half empty bottle: "Good night, sweet Nate."