
...when the infinitives split, the participles are the ones left dangling.

To cautiously venture to the coffee shop today to study English grammar was my plan. It worked. veni vidi vici... Leaving the coffee shop, though, the rain was falling hard. It made for an even gloomier day. Thank god I got a nice morning ride in on my fixie.

Anodyne is the (read: THE) coolest coffee shop in South Minneapolis. But that didn't make it easier to swallow the huge pill that was a ten-page article on teaching English as a "foreign" or learned, or second, (or relatively ugly and bastardized) language. Lots of talk about 'form' versus 'meaning' versus 'use'. Lots of big words like m...m...mo...morphosyntactic (impressive, huh?), and some cool ideas about second language acquisition. No amount of caffeine can hold someone over to power through that, though. Not even in the coolest coffee shop in South Minneapolis.

i spent too much on groceries today (because Double Stuf Oreos are requisite), and in the process of shopping came up with a list of things that are classy. Here's goes:


1. those little wireless, "hands free" earpieces for your cell phone, and the freehanded people who wear them...all day long.

2. plastic toilet seats

3. my walking around in shorts all weekend with pink stains of calamine lotion on my ankles from the poison ivy I got last Saturday. ...not sure what I was doing in the woods in the first place, but poison ivy and I get along lugubriously at best. Damn plant.

4. a**holes who back into my Honda, warping my hood in the process, then drive off since I am not there to freak out. Much love.

rock on twin cities, rock over London.