
when little brothers are big

Today i was in Fargo, ND. The smart brother is officially a PharmD student at NDSU, still wet behind the ears but looking confident as he starts the semester. Good kid, that one. He scored second row seats for the Mason Jennings show in St. Cloud on november 3, but I guess I didn't make his VIP list for those seats. (still love ya', Nick) That's why i posted a pic of us. enjoy.

I was catching up on my Rake readings and CityPages skimming tonight, and I was pleased to see Lagoon is running all eight of Pedro Almodovar's movies. Right on. Citypages had a nice article on why Tool is, indeed, unparalleled in music, regardless of the genre.

Last week I was turned on the poetry of MN native Robert Bly. Check him out- pretty good stuff. Check this one:


Sometimes a man can't say
What he . . . A wind comes
And his doors don't rattle. Rain
Comes and his hair is dry.

There's a lot to keep inside
And a lot to . . . Sometimes shame
Means we. . . Children are cruel,
He's six and his hands. . .

Even Hamlet kept passing
The king praying
And the king said,
"There was something. . . ."

Teaching is going well. Not a lot of time for the master's thesis, as was my suspicion going into this contract ("oh, no problem...thirteen credits a week will allow me PLENTY of time to write!")...but what's a guy to do when priorities like disc golf, coffee with friends, solo jam sessions on an my unplugged Stingray, introspective rides on a fixie and collaborative bitch sessions with the think tank that is my three lovely roommates get in the way? Exactly.

I have lately proven to myself, actually, that i have more time than i realize. my stupid myspace page is proof. it's just that...time is always fragmented, never in healthy 30 or 60-minute doses. So, internet is the easiest filler when ten minutes is all I have. my social life is also proof.

the highlight of my weekend has been, to this point, scoring a $16 merino wool sweater from TJ Maxx. a blue one. damn it feels good to be a gangster. i joined myspace. proud of me? mmm hmmmm. I heard recetly that it was a pretty big deal last year, so i finally got around to putting a stupid foto and quote on my awesome profile.

OK...bed time.