
mind to the grind

If you haven't yet rented the movie "Bandidas" starring Penelope Cruz and Salma Hayek, which in terms of cast alone was a dream come true for a Salmaphile like me, it might be worth holding off until it comes to cable or something. thin on plot but thick on cleavage. that said, this bitter cold is killing me. it's 5 degrees F here but feels like -10, and this is five degrees better than the last few days, which makes for nastiness. it's so cold that the snow under your feet doesn't whisper, it grinds like teeth in a bad, bad midnight dream. especially at 6:30AM en route to the c-c-c-c-c-car.

It has been a week of mixed emotion: Fulbright said 'no', in a nice "we regret to inform you" kind of way that was somehow less painful that it would have been if the rejection letter HADN'T been printed on 100-pound stock, watermarked, government-issue Institute of International Education letterhead. soooo cool. The great news is, i be goin' to Argentina in July! woo hoo! teaching from 6/25 to 7/25 in Villa Carlos Paz in Cordoba with two other professors and fifteen bright, young high school pupils with nothing better to do than learn, learn, learn. (man, i wonder what that feels like.)

for now, just staying a step ahead of my Culture and Civ students (this week talking about the Aztecs, Mayas, Toltecs, Olmecs, Zapotecs, and Inca...), reading the terrifyingly wonderful César Dávila Andrade for my thesis (think Edgar Allen Poe, Kafka and Camus on a long evening walk down the beach, but discussing things like how a drought leads a starved family to sell their mute daughter in order to buy food, since they've already sold everything else...really uplifting stuff like that).

below is a picture of my compañero de piso, Ezequiel. check those slippers.