
Cordoba, Argentina

This afternoon our plans took us about 45 minutes east of town to the provincial capital of Cordoba. The drive through a bit of countryside took us past the nation's Air Force training facility (they began admitting women 6 years ago, this year they graduated their first female pilot!), past three "telhos" (hotels --> ho/tel --> tel/ho) where the folks pay 28 pesos (US$9) per hour to get their swing on, and past "La Perla", a hilltop hacienda that, during the mid-70s, was one of the local outposts to which the government brought "dissidents" and opponents of the governing body (students, intellectuals, etc) to be interrogated, likely tortured, and usually executed, to then be "disappeared" permanently during the country's process of
reconstruction during that dark decade and dirty war. We also passed a huge peloton of perhaps thirty cyclists, replete with their neon spandex duds, and swung through the college town of 1.6 million before stopping by the University for a bit...

Here's one of Cordoba's principal streets cutting downtown into halves

Universidad de Cordoba, first University in the city and the province, established to educate Jesuit priests before sending them into the woods to convert the savages...

Universidad de Cordoba, Law School...a little publicity goes a long way.

Crappy shot thru a bus window of the gothic church of Los Capuchinos.

Plaza de San Martin, downtown.