

Buenos Aires.
No luggage. Waved to the OBELISCO.
Beautiful people. beautiful language.
Passed by the Recoleta, gave respects to Evita and Sarmiento.
Had a McDonalds cheeseburger at a nearby mall, justified it as an experiment.

The farmers are protesting unfair government practices of retaining up to 60% of $$ due to the ag sector in earnings, so those representing the "campo" are blocking major trucking routes. The milk and meat supplies in the capital and in other cities is waning, the farmers are burning their own harvests in the field (saw that from the plane during descent), and international exports have frozen; the global market now seeks beef, for example, from other nations. Bad news.

today, hung out downtown with Tavo (had some good heart-to-hearts), walked Avenida la Florida, bought some books, ran across avenida 9 de julio (widest street in latin america or the world maybe, it's like six lanes each way), got my luggage, ate empanadas and an alfajor (finally, i feel like i am here), walked past countless newsstands with posters of Che, Gardel, tango, etc. Fume tres puchos, porque estoy de vacaciones, claro. watched some throwback episodes of He Man in spanish. got nostalgic for saturday mornings, mom-sewn pajamas and Fruity Pebbles.

tomorrow: cinema, un buen mate, some grilled meat, maybe buy a scarf.

love y besos