
le chien terrier

It has been eleven since I have posted. For those four of you who read regularly, I apologize. I have been busy potty training mom's new Yorkie (still in its cute, short-hair phase) for her while she frantically searches for the perfect boy name.

Congrats to Beth and DK on the superb wedding, which was well worth my superb Sunday hangover. I love you guys.

The basement of the apartment to which I plan to move in two days effectively flooded in last week's deluge, leaving .5 inches in the basement. Yay!

I begin my part-time teaching contract at Normandale a week from today, with orientation beginning in two days. I can't wait, but I fully expect this will absolutely demolish my chances at academic success this semester as I hammer away at another nine masters credits plus thesis.

OK, what to listen to this week if you want my two cents:
Michael Franti (Songs from the Front Porch)...still listening to this album a lot.
Regina Spektor (new album!!! Begin to Hope)
Lifter Puller (uuugh...)

Also, Atmosphere promises to play First Ave this fall. Can't wait...