
three verses of "Elegía"

These three verses taken from Spanish poet Miguel Hernández' Elegía speak worlds about feelings of loss. This was written about a good friend of his who abandoned him for the ether. We'd hope the same homage was given him when he dies of TB months shy of his death sentence in the shadow of the Civil War's wholesale persecution of artists. (sh*tty translation is mine)

...En mis manos levanto una tormenta IN MY HANDS I RAISE A STORM
de piedras, rayos y hachas estridentes OF STONES, LIGHTNING AND THUNDERING AXES
sedienta de catástrofes y hambrienta. THIRSTING OF CATASTROPHES, AND HUNGRY

Quiero escarbar la tierra con los dientes, I WANT TO DIG THE EARTH WITH MY TEETH
quiero apartar la tierra parte a parte I WANT TO PART THE EARTH, PIECE BY PIECE
a dentelladas secas y calientes. WITH DRY, HOT GNASHING TEETH (?)

Quiero minar la tierra hasta encontrarte I WANT TO MINE THE EARTH UNTIL I FIND YOU
y besarte la noble calavera AND KISS YOUR NOBLE SKULL
y desamordazarte y regresarte... AND UNBIND YOU, AND RETURN YOU